Hier mal mein Protokoll von früher, was ich wieder so geplant habe. Denkt ihr, ich hab was grobes vergessen?
Ist jetzt nicht ganz aktuell und ich nehm noch ein paar Sachen, aber egal, ist sind mal die Basics..
There are a hughe stuff tot take, but what we should take? I will write more in the days.
I take at the moment...
What did you take?
There is so many stuff, but i think not many works hard?
What is your protcoll?
At the moment i take:
---- All 3 hours ----
Taurin all 3 hours - 500mg; 6x; plus 100mg Theanin all 3h, and 10mg Melatonin all 3h plus 500mg per night, plus all 3h CBD Oil
--- Morning & Evening ---
- Magnesium and Potassium (Kalium in German)
2x, 100 % RDA
- NAD+ 2 Caps per Day
- 2per Day Life Extension "2 per Day"
---- To (for) Eating 3x ---
AAKG 5g, 1g Kreatin
2x Beatin
-------------------- medis -------------------
3x 15 ttp Diazepam
3x 15 Fenistil
maybe 1x AMPA Antagonist Perampanel.
2x week B12 shots s.c.
---------------- coming soon -----------------
cu (I)?
Maybe cu (II)ATSM?