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- 20.08.09
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Resistente Stärke - Präbiotika und Probiotika
Gestalt schreibt zu den Glyconutrientquellen:
Prebiotics, Probiotics, SCFAs, Glyconutrients – comparisons & references | Gestalt Reality
Fucose findet man in der Natur selten, die höchste Konzentration haben Braunalgen der Art Blasentang und Kelp Laminaria.
Man darf die FUT2-Mutation nicht überbewerten, für die Fucolsylierung gibt es nicht nur den FUT2, sondern auch das FUT1-Enzym, das haargenau die gleiche Funktion hat.
Das Gen FUT2 beeinflusst die Darmflora und ist ein Faktor bei Morbus Crohn. (
Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen will, kann Blasentang über den Salat streuen, Meerespflanzen werden von jeder Diät (BodyEcology, PHD, Wilson) empfohlen.
Galactose ist im LarchArabinoGalactan. Über den Zuckerbedarf habe ich hier eine Seite gefunden mit Mengenempfehlungen.
Ambrotose - Glyconutrients and Sugars - Low Carb
The Eight Essential Sugars - Low Carb
Glucose und Galactose kann man in die anderen 6 essentiellen Zucker umbauen, allerdings unter hohem Energieaufwand.
Astragalus hat auch fucose:
Gestalt schreibt zu den Glyconutrientquellen:
Prebiotics, Probiotics, SCFAs, Glyconutrients – comparisons & references | Gestalt Reality
1) Fenugreek – Rich source of mannose, galactose.
(2) Shark Cartilage – Rich source of N-acetylglucosamine & N-acetylgalactosamine
(3) Tragacanth gum (gum from astragalus) – Rich source of galactose, arabinose, xylose, fucose, rhamnose and galcturonic acid.
(4) Acacia Gum – Rich source of arabinogalactan, galactose, rhamnose, arabinose and glucuronic acid.
(5) Kelp – Rich source of Fucose, xylose, mannose, galactose and glucose.
(6) Guar Gum – Rich source of mannose, galactose.
(7) Echinacea Powder – Rich source of arabinogalactan, galactose.
(8) Aloe Vera inner leaf freeze dried powder – Rich source of Mannose, galactose and arabinose
Turns out that fucose is not that easy to find in Nature or the diet. There is a bit of it in Brewer’s yeast and certain mushrooms, but by far the greatest concentration is found in seaweeds, in particular the brown seaweeds such as bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosis) and kelps of the genus Laminaria.”
Fucose findet man in der Natur selten, die höchste Konzentration haben Braunalgen der Art Blasentang und Kelp Laminaria.
Man darf die FUT2-Mutation nicht überbewerten, für die Fucolsylierung gibt es nicht nur den FUT2, sondern auch das FUT1-Enzym, das haargenau die gleiche Funktion hat.
Das Gen FUT2 beeinflusst die Darmflora und ist ein Faktor bei Morbus Crohn. (
Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen will, kann Blasentang über den Salat streuen, Meerespflanzen werden von jeder Diät (BodyEcology, PHD, Wilson) empfohlen.
Galactose ist im LarchArabinoGalactan. Über den Zuckerbedarf habe ich hier eine Seite gefunden mit Mengenempfehlungen.
Ambrotose - Glyconutrients and Sugars - Low Carb
Every carb you eat breaks down into glucose. So as long as you're eating any carbs at all, you are ending up with glucose in your system. Recommendations for daily glucose intake is usually measured in carb intake for that reason. You eat carbs, your body turns them into glucose. The recommendations are in the 50g carbs/day range for normal daily maintenance.
Galactose is found in many fruits and berries as well as dairy products. Mentions of galactose even in sugar-savvy blends seems to be quite low, in the 1g/day range.
Fucose is found in mushrooms and kelp. Many seaweed / kelp blends focus on fucose. Based on the many seaweed capsules on the market, suggested intake is 2g/day.
Mannose is found veggies and mushrooms. A blend I found to help ward off Urinary Tract Infection has you taking 10g/day of Mannose to keep intestines clean.
N-acetyl-galactosamine is found in bovine cartilage and shark cartilage. You can buy Shark Cartilage at just about any vitamin store. Average suggested intake seems to be in the 1g/day range.
N-acetyl-glucosamine is found naturally in shiitake mushrooms, bovine cartilage and shark cartilage. Again, as with N-acetyl-galactosamine, suggested intake is in the 1g/day range.
N-Acetyl-Neuraminic Acid
N-Acetyl-Neuraminic is found in whey protein isolate and eggs. Whey protein is well known to fitness buffs. Based on the many fitness pages recommending daily intake guidelines for whey, you should have 4g/day of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid.
Xylose is found in berries and fruits. Xylose is actually found in a lot of products already as a non-sucrose sweetener, so most people don't need extra xylose. However, capsules I researched had an average of 10g/day dosage. Often you'll get that as a "sweetener" in some other vitamin or food you have eaten during the day anyway.
Note that in addition to these sugars, we also need around 30g/day of fiber, which is a different type of carbohydrate.
The Eight Essential Sugars - Low Carb
Glucose is the basic unit of sugar, and is the result of the breakdown of just about every carb you eat. When you take blood sugar tests, you are testing the amount of glucose in your blood. So if you're like 99% of the population, you are getting quite enough glucose in your system, just from the few carbs you consume.
Galactose is one of the two components of lactose, or milk sugar. If you're lactose intolerant, galactose is also found in cranberries, blackberries, grapes, apples and figs. For vegetables, it's in brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, rhubarb and asparagus.
Now on to the less common sugars. Note that your body is capable of creating these remaining 6 sugars by using the above 2 as raw materials, but it is a complex process. It is much easier for your body if you simply feed it those sugars in their native forms!
Glucose und Galactose kann man in die anderen 6 essentiellen Zucker umbauen, allerdings unter hohem Energieaufwand.
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