Hallo Karen
Das einzige was ich über dieses ominöse Peptagen finden konnte:
PEPTAGEN - 08/02
As I was noting the NAET problems with acids I heard that my allergy doc had a new trick. Met with him and tried an immune system regulator injection named Peptagen AA. Three shots over three months didn't seem all that astounding for my food sensitivity. Seemed, perhaps, that is was easier to control or lose weight but I can't say that it did anything to my overall demeanor or reactions to known problem foods. The 4th injection was of Peptagen F for fatigue instead of working directly towards foods. At the last visit he also ordered thyroid, adrenal and hormone tests as well as provided a prescription for Amour Thyroid as a trial run.
Frag Deinen Arzt doch mal genau darüber aus. Er soll Dir detailierte Infos geben (die würden mich dann auch interesseren :? )