3/25/2008: Sara from West Palm Beach, Florida USA writes: "I took this for fatigue, stress and a bit of low mood. I took it for 2 months and noticed I wasn't tired anymore and could deal with things more. I finally had energy to do things that I didn't before . Caffeine didn't work because I believe I stressed out the adrenals.
I really noticed that this worked when I stopped taking it for a week to cycle it. Back to being tired and not wanting to do much.
This herb has given me my life back. It sounds cliche, but it's true."
2/19/2008: Coach from USA, USA writes: "Rhodiola at low doses will give a stimulatory effect and at higher doses of the higher quality 5% Rosavins Rhodiola will give you a calming effect."
2/21/2008: RR from Vancouver, Canada writes: "Rhodiola is amazing! I've been taking rr for about 6 months with fantastic improvements. I suffer from major anxiety/stress disorder, minor depression, was taking effexor xr for 5 years prior to this wonderful herb..the effexor caused me to gain 35lbs, made me sweat heavily, and actually gave me more anxiety, the sweating is still a problem, but is getting much better since taking rhodiola, almost gone, except when i get really anxious - socially, i start to sweat from my head/face..which is pretty dam embarrassing..DONT TAKE EFFEXOR! as this never happened before even with the anxiety i had.
Since taking rhodiola and stopping the effexor..i've lost the 35lbs that i gained..alot faster then iv'e ever lost weight before...so YES..it does help you lose weight..as long as you exercise hard and eat reasonably healthy. I dont eat that great, still eat pizza,wings, and drink beer occasionally. Just cut that deep fried food..mcd's etc to a minimum. EXERCISE is the key to losing weight with this herb, although when i took a break from working out...i still dropped a couple pounds.
Thanks to rhodiola, i'm almost back to my old self, except for this lingering little bit of anxiety. rhodiola works best with other herbs, acutally makes those other herbs work better then if u were to take them alone. My stress is so dramatically reduced, i almost feel normal again.
I'm currently on the search for the best combination to combat this left over anxiety issue, looks like i'll try 5-htp as people seem to have success with this combo.
I've been using the Arctic Root brand, from proactivebio, and currently trying out the
Ameriden brand..just google ameriden..you'll find it...apparantly its from Siberia where this
root was first discovered.
And as far as i know..you cannot grow it properly here, the active compounds will not be present
if grown here, needs that cold arctic condition to grow properly.
U have nothing but to benefit from taking this herb. I'm getting my whole family on it now!
and usually takes about 2-3 weeks before you really notice the effects!"
1/18/2008: S. B. from Louisville, KY writes: "Just wanted to echo the positive experiences reported here. After a bit of internet research, I kind of guessed at a regimen that might work for me, which is one 250mg rhodiola capsule before breakfast, one before lunch, and then 50mg 5-HTP before bed. In fact I found this site because I Googled "5-HTP" and "rhodiola" to see if there was any danger in taking them both, but I see several of you have also come up with a similar plan. Very assuring, and I have to say I felt a bit of triumph for having arrived at the same conclusion that others have made of my own accord.
Anyway, I've been taking it for a short while and I am still flabbergasted at how effective it is. I really just can't get over it. I could feel the effects after the very first dose of rhodiola. Not only did it improve my mood, it made me feel, well, happy! And it improved my personality. Low seratonin levels were impacting my life in many negative ways but now I am a new person.
Also it seems to have eliminated my morning headaches and neck stiffness, but I can't say whether that is attributed to the rhodiola or the 5-HTP. From what I've read it may likely be the 5-HTP.
However as others have stated, I would take caution in the dosage of rhodiola. I have found that if I take the afternoon dose too close to the morning dose, I do become a bit jittery and restless. Still happy--not nervous--but jittery and restless nonetheless.
Rhodiola is obviously powerful stuff and I'm sure it's not for everyone, but if you are the type of person that it can benefit, then like the others here that have reported positive experiences, I think you'll be astounded as to how effective it can be."
6/24/2007: Sunni from Seattle, WA writes: "I have suffered from mild to moderate depression my whole life. I've tried many things over the years ... Zoloft, therapy, hypnosis, yoga, seminars ... you name it. Nothing helped much. I had also tried natural supplements like SAM-e, 5-HTP, etc. They help some but not a lot. When I started Rhodiola on the second day I felt transformed! Not only did it lift my depression but it actually made me happy! I wanted to do things, live life! I had enthusiam and energy, which I've never really had my whole life. This wonderful little herb has made me feel the best I've ever felt in my life."
4/5/2007: Clara from New York City, USA writes: "I recently started taking rhodiola and vitamin E in the mornings and afternoons, and I've noticed a huge difference in my energy levels. My skin is more radiant, and I have a lot more energy than I used to. However, a word of caution -- two rhodiola capsules per day might be too much for some people. I noticed that after the afternoon dose I was feeling a little nervous, jittery, and restless, so now I take only one rhodiola capsule in the morning, and I take the vitamin E in the morning and afternoon, and it seems to work better for me. I'd highly recommend this remedy, but be careful with rhodiola if you're at all prone to nervousness and/or panic attacks."
4/3/2007: Margie from Upper Marlboro, Maryland writes: "While visiting earthclinic's site to see what I could fine to help my anxiety, I saw information about 5HTP as another source to use for anxiety. So I wanted to find out more information about this little pill, because it was a toss up between the two (Rhodiola) I decided to use the Rhodiola which worked out perfect. I then did some more research on 5HTP to see what other benefits it was good for, and I found out that it was recommeded for Fibromyalgia. Such as sleepless nights, waking up 4-5 times in the night, the headaches, the pain in the joints, stiffness upon waking up in morning, I felt like the tin man on the wizard of oz. I also had other related problesm. I have been taking it now for five months and I am a happier person, more energetic, not as moody as before, mine is more clear and well the list goes on, and I don't wake up stiff like before; so getting more rest has made me more alert.
In addition, I have a question for anyone out there to answer if possible. Since I take Rhodiola and 5HTP together I wanted to know if this harmful since both are a mood relaxing vitamin. I take the one for anxiety the other for the Fibroymyalgia. In addition, after reading more information about 5HTP and some side affects I was wondering if I should stop using it for awhile. If anyone has an answer please respond. I want to say though that since I have been using it I have had no side affects that were bad only good ones."
3/20/2007: Raquel (
[email protected]) from Portland, USA writes: Hi Everyone! I started taking Rhodies (Rhodiola) because I work nights and have to remain alert. What I didn't expect was the side effects of weight loss, relief of depression and anxiety, increase in mental sharpness, a tremendous amount of energy and increase in strength. It just lifted the "dark cloud" over my head. It really is a super herb! If u are thinking of trying it, just go for it! Regards, Raquel"
2/7/2007: Karen from Ft Worth, TX writes, "I often travel internationally on business will be up for up to 36 hours sometimes. I have found that 500mg of high quality Rhodiola (I prefer the Solaray brand) relieves the anxiety and clamminess I feel from lack of sleep. Also keeps me from snapping at my family members as it relieves my gruppiness, too! (I am a 5'8'', 130 lb woman.) Be careful about the brand you choose because there is definitely a difference in quality out there. Check this website's fact sheet on Rhodiola to learn why."
12/13/2006: Margie from Upper Marlboro, MD writes, "I want to thank the person who said that Rhodiola was the best for anxiety attacks. I read the article and immediately searched the internet to find get more information regarding this vitamin. I then went out to get it for my symptoms and it worked. I feel normal again, before I was having a panic attack daily. I didn't know what triggered it, but I was suffering regularly. I also tried the 5HTP and I take them both together, the 5HTP helps with my stiffness in my joints and relaxes my body and mind. I take both daily and had not had any problems in three weeks. It feels good to be normal again."
8/28/2006: Tami from Tuscon, AZ writes, "Rhodiola is a wonder herb. It has increased my energy and mental abilities, cured seasonal allergy attacks, and increased my immune system so I don't get sick nearly as often as I used to."
7/12/2006: Missy from Portland, OR writes, "Rhodiola cured me of anxiety, depression and fatigue."
8/21/2006: Kristine from Belle Chasse, LA writes, "Rhodiola is the best stuff ever for anxiety.
8/22/2006: Joanna from Boston writes, "Rhodiola is one of the best supplements to take for the skin. I think it should be taken with Vitamin E and Flax Seed oil for best results."
Ameriden Rosavin I had to take this when I had a job that drug-tested done by doctors who was completely convinced that anybody who took, a psychostimulant will EVENTUALLY become addicted and was prepared to send a red flag to the employer (I know it stinks).
Although it didn't treat my symptoms nearly as well as adderall (best ADD psychostimulant I've ever taken), its effectiveness was nothing to sneeze at. I was not as sharp as I was on adderall, but I was able to stay awake and concentrate well enough. It put my brain in the "on" position. To this day, I am still convinced Rhodiola Rosea slipped passed the FDA and made it to "OTC" by an error! Yes, it is that impressive!
BTW, I've tried Rosavin Plus(R)...as far as ADHD goes, it should have been cakled Rosavin Minus!
Excellent for Energy/Stamina This gives me a gentle energy boost and improves my performance at the gym. My doctor told me that I need to take it 6 weeks on, then 2 weeks off, or it will lose it's effectiveness. I'd recommend more like 4 weeks on, then 2 weeks off.
Rhodiola Rosea for fatigue Rhodiola capsules gave me too much of a coffee-like buzz. I got the tincture recently during a 2-week bout of debilitating fatigue and found that 5 to 8 drops in a cup of hot water was enough to keep me from needing a nap in the afternoons. The herbal store where I bought it had recommended about 3 times as much, but, as with many other meds for FMS, a lower dose is often more appropriate. Rhodiola acts on the brainstem to promote norepinepherine and 5HT etc. Here is a fab reference:
American Botanical Council: Homepage of the American Botanical Council
Haven't tried this long term, but at this time my energy is good so I stopped taking it.
Rhodiola My son had been on ritalin like medicine since 5 years old and antidepressants since 9th grade. He couldn't sleep, eat,had stomach aches and headaches. He spent 2 years constantly laying down due to the side effects. He lost all energy to do sports.His adrenals seem burned out. He got even more depressed being sick due to all the side effects the medicine had. He stopped all medicine. ( This scared me because 3 relative committed suicide.) He wanted the adderal so he could concentrate in school but it burned him out and he could not eat or sleep. Finally I tried him on Rhodiola. He went back to being normal in energy. He was alert, laughed,had energy to run in basketball,and shot 3 pointers again. He stopped swearing, punching holes in the wall and talking to himself which is how he waswithout any medicine. Rhodiola was fantastic it got him normal again. Keep the dose low (100 mg),because it can make you not sleep for 5 days.It" wakes up" the brain and delivers oxygen to every cell. It is also an antibiotic. It is used by cosmonauts in low oxygen and stressful conditions. It is used by Russian olympic winners to give them stamina, endurance and help them handle stress. Don't take it at night or you may not sleep. It you get jittery or can't sleep lower the dose immediately. I don't know if little kids should take it. But ADHD kids at 9th grade lose their hyperness due to lack of being able to sleep.9th graders could tell you if the dose is too high and tell you how they are doing on it. The Rhodiola would perk up this age level and get them back to normal by healing their body, and get rid of depression and anxiety.
Herbal Antidepressant that works!! I quit smoking 3 years ago and have felt moderately depressed ever since. Nothing was as much fun...everything was harder to do...life just lost all its sparkle. I was just getting thru the days. I am a nurse, and a good internet researcher so I researched and tried many herbal cures. St Johns Wort...SAM-e...5 HTP...Fish Oil... aerobic exercise. None of those were able to get me back to my previously happy state.
But Rhodolia Rosea did it! Within 4-5 days I started feeling happier...and now at about 2 weeks I can really feel the difference. After three years of being down..I am finally feeling like myself again!! No side effects yet either!
I don't understand why this herb is not more well known. It certainly was an almost instant cure for me. I am taking 1 500 mg tab a day. They are made by New Chapter. The bottle of 30 tabs was pricey at $28.00, but knowing how well they work I would now gladly pay twice that price! If I start to see any side effects or it stops working I will try to get back here and let you know, but for now...I am delighted with the new (old) me!!
Kudos Rhodiola Kudos Rhodiola is by far the most effective herb I have taken. Not only has it cured me of panic attacks but it also promotes restful sleep. Another major advantage is that it increases energy and clearer thinking. It does not however cure daytime anxiety. Be warned though not to take too much in one day. I recomend no more than 300mg of the active substance otherwise your symptoms will return. I learnt this from experience of taking 600mg in the same day hoping it would calm the daytime anxiety but in fact made it worse, along with the restless night. In summary take the recomended dose and you will reap the benefits with no side effects.
Effective Antidepressant Eases depression and boosts energy at or below 500mg daily.
Higher doses often cause sedation and did so for me at 1000mg daily.
amazing!!!!!!!! I have tried xanax, clexa and many herbal remedies without any sucsess or relief. I was about to give up when I stumbled upon rhodiola on your website. I tried it and three days later I felt great. Calm, crystal clear thinking and an energy boost similiar to coffee without the jitterness. Also I have found niacinamide works great as well. Don't give up! Good luck.
It helps me tremendously with Social Anxiety and Anxiety in general. The effect seems to last forever. I'm not addicted but I can't go without my rodiola everyday. Everyday is mine with rhodila. First 3 days it doesn't seems to work then after that I got my life and happiness back!!! I will happily take it forever until the day I die.... Never in my life has something ordinary like this effect my life. I LOVE LIFE!!!
I am taking other medications as well, but this herb seems to have pushed me over the hump to a state of real well-being. My energy is consistent and consequently I feel more optimistic, which gives me more energy...you get the idea. A very helpful addition for me.
I'm an college student with a heavy workload, lots of activities, and a history of anxiety and depression. Rhodiola is a godsend. It doesn't "make" you relax, like other things I've tried. It "allows" you to relax, and increases your tollerance of stress greatly. It's easier to get myself in a positive mood, cope with things that otherwise would cause anxiety, and I also notice it has a great effect on physical strain too. On those days I've had little sleep, lots of alcohol, or both, it keeps me from feeling it. I often run a few miles and it cuts down on the fatigue I feel both during and afterwards. Excellent product, it helps me absorb the impacts of living a hectic life and allows me to stay positive and eases my anxiety in all settings. I compete in college debate which is demanding I easily keep my cool and stay level even throughout a greuling tournament filled with sleep deprevation, mental exhaustion, and copious amounts of energy drinks which would otherwise be a brutal assault on my body and mind.
If you need help dealing with depression, anxiety, and/or a hectic lifestyle, this should be the basis of any regiment. It's dependable, effective, and has no negative effects at all.
I have a very stressful job which produces much anxiety for me. This morning I capped some RR and took 500 mg and I must say I felt pretty good. I took another 500 mg and became very mellow. I was very surprised that I could feel the effects within 30 minutes. It produced a very nice and pleasant calm. This is the nicest product I have tried since Kava Kava several years ago. If your familiar with Kava, RR is similar but more powerful. I purchased 100 grams and will get the larger container next time. Gooood stuff.
LOL - This is the most BITTER Powder I've EVER Tried putting in mah mouth, holyyy wow!
But it's amazing, it works uber well
I wonder if I shouldn't have taken 1g right before bedtime though :O
Rhodiola is the best mood enhancer-amazing stuff !!!!!!
I have been using Rhodiola Rosea for 1 year now. I don't have to use it very often, as I have a very unstressful job. I just took some 2 hours ago for the first time in a month, and I just have to write my review while I'm on it. I had a shitty day today, I was late for work, my expensive dress pants got a huge stain on them, and then the only pair of dress pants left in my closet broke when I tried stretching them out(I need to watch those squats!). I was just pissed off today and it's rainy and cold so that doesn't help. Anyways, I was sitting here, depressed because my friend just bought a new truck and I'm jealous..lol. So I cracked open my RR and took my usual dosage. I feel so much better and I can't stop smiling. I also feel that I can talk to people alot better. It gives me better social skills, and for some reason the words flow out of my mouth so much smoother. I just had an excellent 10 minute conversation with our purchasing agent..for some reason I was interested in what he had to say. Anyways, you can look me up on AOL thomasjholdren if you have anymore questions.
This is a life saver. Sometimes my schedual forces me to work 12 hour days, and rhodiola gives me the energy to keep at it. It will take at least a week to begin feeling it. Its not fast acting. Dont take a dose too late in the day, it might make it harder to sleep.
Definitely good stuff to always have around.
also, it is the worst tasting powder ever and MUST be capped. Capping isnt much fun 'cause it turns sticky with the slightest bit of moisture, but no one is going to mix this into their drink more than once.
Wow..what can I say. I had just come off a sloppy over dosed M1T cycle and I was feeling very depressed. I also had signifigant stress at work. Rhodiola changed my outlook from the very first dose. People mentioned smiling more, that is something I noticed for sure. Its hard to describe the feeling, but its good. Its not a stimulant or a relaxer, but just "goodness" in a bottle. My only complaint is it allows me to indulge in alcohol and other goodies without paying the penalty I so richly deserve the next day. This will be on every PCT I do, and I'm tempted to just run it continously! FYI- this is my first review, but I like the product so much I just had to write.
This is definitely my new favorite supplement, along with ALCAR. Like ALCAR, it is simply amazing in its degree and scope of effects. One experiences benefits ranging from a significant mood lift, to a significant reduction in anxiety, to better pumps in the gym.
The effects of rhodiola can be felt within the first day of supplementing with it. Within a half hour to an hour of ingestion, one can begin to feel a warm sense of calm fall over oneself. Negative thoughts leave the mind and anxiety all but disappears.
This sense of calmness is accompanied by a noticeable increase in mood. It's not uncommon, for myself at least, to find myself smiling simply because I feel great both mentally and physically. Among friends, I am known to be prone to an occasional outburst of song that might be stuck in my head. With rhodiola, I find that this probability increases significantly. The body, too, feels great. An almost tingly sense of warmth and relaxation pervades the body's sense of itself.
One might assume that with the relaxation of the mind and body comes a drowsiness or decrease in alertness. I did not find this to be the case. In fact, alertness was actually increased even though I was totally relaxed otherwise.
The pump one gets in the gym seems better than usual, as well. Doing sets leads to pumps that seem harder and more swollen than usual.
I personally find that roughly 10 mg of rosavins (about 350 mg of powder) taken three times a day works very well for me. I take it in in a daily routine of 750 mg of aniracetam, 300 mg alpha-GPC, 1 gram of ALCAR, and 300 mg of chocamine, all taken twice a day.
Overall, this is a near-perfect supplement. I find myself giving giving out only the second five star score I've ever given. Granted, I've only reviewed three products, but I only review products whose value absolutely dwarfs their price.
before i capped i didnt feel much.
after i cap it without closing because with aspoon i can taste the stuff to much and it not tasting good.
so as i say cap the stuff but swallow it open after 10 mins stuff is working like hell
Feeling a lot happier and more convidence
I've been taking this along with Chocomine at 500mg twice a day and 1 gram of Chocomine a couple times a day. Stress is reduced and I find myself chillin in the middle of a crowded grocery store, good stuff. You'll find yourself randomly smiling throughout the day. Don't cap it and try to get the last little bit off the spoon with your teeth for an added challenge, tastes like concentrated black tea, pucker up.
Rhodiola is definitely worth the price if you find yourself having to deal with stressful situations week to week. A nice adaptogen with no noticable side effects.
This product works as claimed by helping to deal with anxiety, improving concentration, a slight lift in mood, and an overall "chill" effect. For me it improved my ability to think positively and eliminate distractions. My thoughts seemed more collected and best of all it accomplished all of this without sedation!!! You will want to cap this product FOR SURE. This is the most vile, heinous tasting substance ever put on the earth. It turns real gummy when water hits it so when you try to swallow it sticks to your throat and mouth. Then you vomit, so heed my warning and cap this shit!!!
I didnt really notice the difference at first, but then when work got really stressful i found I was coping a hell of a lot better with tuff situations. This is a top notch adaptagen!
This stuff is great! I can't rave enough about it. After dealing with anti-depressants (and no, I've never been diagnosed with depression, just a lot of innate anger ;c) , going through a variety of SSRIs (Paxil, Serzone, Celexa, etc) - and having all the worst side-effects from them all, I came across this. The effects show within a day of usage (and even more effective at mood stabilization than the aforementioned drugs, or the new Seratonin supplement SeroTab) - and it has the added benefit of not only NOT putting you to sleep, it actually increases your alertness and focus! I'm currently using this in combination with SeroTab - the Rhodiola in the morning for calm alertness during the day, and the SeroTab at night, since it has a bit of a sedative effect.
It's like I'm a whole new person =)
Try it - you won't regret it !
Please note this rating is not for any bodybuilding purpose but for the mental health benefits from this product.
This product works wonders for anxiety, stress, concentration, and just a general sense of well being. The anti-anxiety effects are noticed almost immediately. I noticed the effects on my second dosage on my first day of use.
I'm definitely a lot more relaxed(no more road rage) since using this product and my anxiety doesn't flare up. I've been on a lot of anti-anxiety medications in the past like Valium, Buspar, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Luvox, etc. And I can honestly say none of them worked nearly as well as this product! The great part is that you don't feel drowsy on this product like you do on the medications.
Also, my concentration level is definitely up and so is my overall mood. I'm just feeling better and more energized.
After coming off my last prohormone cycle some 7 months ago I used 6-oxo post cycle and the 6-oxo caused some major depression for me that I haven't quite shaken untill I started using the Rhodiola. Not only would I recommend this product for it's mood enhancing capabilities but I think it would be a great product for anyone who gets depression while using 1-TEST/1-AD/6-OXO products and what's a natural way to combat it. I know a lot of people have reported depression from some of these supplements so this could be a vary useful supplement to prevent that side effect.
In Norway rose root became widely available a year or two ago, and I have to say it rocks! I took 1G extract first and three hours after I took 4G more, and now I am hyper like HELL(excuse my language) and I feel really happy and horny!
This stuff works great for depression! I am amazed at how much better I felt after just 2 days of taking this supplement. I had taken a SSRI before and was not happy with the way it made me feel spaced out all the time. RR is much better. I feel more alert, have more energy, and actually feel happy!
It helps some with anxiety because it reduces feelings of stress but is probably not the best for just that since it is also energizing. Used in combination with something like 5-htp or St. John's Wort it would probably work well, though.