Iniative unbestechlicher Ärztinnen und Ärzte - MEZIS: Mein Essen zahl ich selbst
Dies hat ein amerikanischer Apotheker eben in einer LDN-Liste geschrieben:
For those of you waiting for the "new" and "improved" 4 ap. ( Ampyra , gegen Spastizität bei MS) Well sit down, the price for a 30 days supply just came out. $1056 for a 30 day supply. I am once again embarrassed by my profession. The cost of goods is less than $20.00. I can understand them wanting money for their clinical studies, but this is Bovine Feces. I would recommend that no one buys it. Let them go out of business. "I am fed up and won't take it anymore." These folks are bottom dwellers of the worst kind. They didn't discover the drug. We have been compounding it for over 10 years now. They didn't discover the s/r formula that has been available for over 20 years. They did the clinical studies on a drug they already knew would work. DUH. Now the FDA has given then 17 years exclusivity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and who is going to pay, YOU ARE!!!!!! You cannot believe how pissed off I am right now.
Okay so you say the insurance companies will pay for it. WHO IS PAYING THE INSURANCE COMPANIES BILLS-YOU ARE. Maybe medicare/medicaid will pay for it. WHO IS PAYING MEDICARE/MEDICAID BILLS- YOU ARE.
Now I am a capitalist. I believe in making a profit. BUT THIS IS NOT A PROFIT THIS IS RAPE OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU . How dare these people take advantage. Well screw them. You take your chances when you compete, show them how competition really works. Don't buy it. Let them keep their drugs. Don't let your doc rx them to you, tell the doc you are happy right where you are. Tell your senator tell your congressman/woman. tell your governor that they shouldn't have this on a formulary.
Okay, I am so pissed off I am going to get myself in trouble. MFCSPFB!@#$%^&*()_+.
pass this email along to who ever you want. I am gunning for these guys now.
Dr. Skip
Er ist auf Kriegsfuss mit der Pharmazeutischen Industrie.