LDN doc, Frankfurt area

Sorry this isn't in German. This is my second attempt to post this so maybe in the end it will come twice...sorry.

Anyway, I am an American living in Germany with mulitple autoimmune diseases including morbus crohns. I am looking everywhere to try and find a doc that is aware of LDN (low dose naltrexone) and can/will write a rezept. I live in the Rhein/Main gebeit...Frankfrut/Wiesbaden.

I am very sensitive to many meds and many others are forbidden because of my past history with pancreatitis. So LDN and a really good diet are my only chances of finding remission. So I'm really desperate.
Have you ever tried incence (H1 in Germany) to cure your MC? This seems to be a generally accepted medicament.
Another possibility might be Lecithin - which is part of phosphatidylcholin and which can repair the mucosa. I am sorry I didn't find an English article on this.

Wiederherstellung der intakten Schleimhaut ab. Dabei spielt offenbar Phosphatidylcholin eine wesentliche Rolle. Phosphatidylcholin ist ein "fettiger Bestandteil" des Lecithins und kommt vor allem in Zellmembranen vor. In einer Studie an 60 Patienten konnten Forscher um Wolfgang Stremmel von der Abteilung Gastroenterologie der Medizinischen Universitätsklinik Heidelberg nachweisen, dass die Gabe von Lecithin einen lindernden, eventuell sogar heilenden Effekt auf die Colitis ulcerosa haben kann. Ei
Sensation: Mit Fett gegen Colitis ulcerosa? [Medizin - News]


You may get more information here:

Lipid Therapeutics GmbH
Alte Glockengießerei 9
69115 Heidelberg
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 06221-3350580
LIPID THERAPEUTICS GmbH || Novel therapies for inflammatory diseases of the digestive system
Studiensekretariat Prof. Stremmel:
Medizinische Klinik IV
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 06221-56-8701

Heidelberg is not too far for you...

Gibt es jemanden, der da weiterhelfen könnte? Ich kenne leider keine Aerzte in Deutschland, LDN kenne ich aber und hoffe, dass es jemanden gibt der robinahy einen Tip geben kann. Dr. Jill Smith ist sehr erfolgreich mit LDN für ihre Morbus-Crohn-Patienten.
LG Silv LDN hilft
Uta, thanks for the tips. I will definitely look into both. I have been to Heidelberg Uni. I went there because my adrenal/pituitary axis was in question. I also had serious intestinal bleeding when I arrived and when I left...they could care less (I also left a local Wiesbaden hospital twice with bleeding, my GP and a GI - they too could care less). I was left to bleed for 1 whole year. It wasn't until 6 months latter at Munich Uni that my crohn's was diagnosed and only because I called my insurance company and they got involved. Then I had to spend more time fighting to have my complete iron status tested. After fighting with one doc who insisted I couldn't possible be anemic, she did a complete iron panel test...I was anemic.

I don't do soy or egg at the moment which might be a big issue with phosphatidylcholine but maybe I can get a soy egg free version. The other item, H1, also goes by the name of Boswellia, does that sound right?

I'm still hoping to go the LDN route. I have several autoimmune diseases and LDN will most likely help all. Plus since the local docs were very neglectful and took over six years to diagnose very chronic crohn's they have effectively increased my chances of colon cancer and LDN also has a great track record with cancers, in my case more as a preventive measure...I hope.
I'm sorry that you life and health are not easy, and I hope this will change.

Yes, it' s Boswellia and not incence ;). (Incence is used in churches, isn't it?)

I hope you'll finde some doctor working with LDN in Germany!

Do you already know this homepage?: https://low-dose-naltrexone.de/

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo/Hello Robinahy,

I found one German doctor, who knows more about LDN, this is Dr.med. Zvonko Mir, in Menden and/or Sundern, Germany. However this is a neurologist/psychiatrist.


Sorry I couldn't find out more.

And I saw you already found you way to the LDN forum, I am surprised no one could help so far.

This site may also be interesting for you (not about LDN, but about M. Crohn, and a successtory... )
New Treatments for Crohn's Disease, colitis, diabetes, autism, depression, hypoglycemia and many more

Kind regards,
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hallo Uta, ich versuche seit Monaten mit jemandem von dieser Seite low-dose-naltrexone.de Kontakt zu bekommen, bisher hat noch nie jemand geantwortet und so viel ich gesehen habe, hat sich auch nie etwas getan/geändert auf dieser Seite. Seit dem Frühling ist da sicher nichts gegangen. Es weist auf ein Forum hin, das es schon lange nicht mehr gibt und wo ich nach Hinweisen gefragt habe, hat mir niemand Auskunft geben können. Weisst du mehr? Es wird auch auf den meisten amerikanischen Seiten immer erwähnt, aber nur weil es eine .de Adresse hat, heisst das nicht, dass es auch aktuell ist. Schön wäre es aber, wenn es das wäre.
LG Silv LDN hilft
Danke Kim,
Ja, dieses kenne ich und habe es auch selber schon einige Male als Link erwähnt. Tom, der Besitzer, ist auch mit meiner Seite verlinkt. Aber danke.
LG Silv