Quecksilber-Verflüchtigung mit transgenem Tabak

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Hat nichts mit der Ausleitung zu tun, zeigt aber, wie gefährlich Hg eingestuft wird.

Bitte dort gleich auf Seite 47 gehen.

Konsequenz: die Tabakpflanze wird hier benutzt, um Hg aus den Böden hochzuholen, damit es als metallisches Hg aus den Blättern herausdiffundiert. Dadurch wird der Boden von Hg entlastet, die Luft aber belastet.
So habe ich das verstanden.

Was mir nicht ganz klar ist: was bedeutet ME2Hg? Das wird wohl metallisches Hg heißen, aber in ionisierter Form?

The reason for the headline in Focus in the year 2001 was probably the publication of a study of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dealing with the impact of methyl mercury on human health. Mercury is present in the environment in different forms such as elemental (metallic) mercury (Hg0), inorganically bound mercury (Hg2+) and organically bound mercury, for example monomethyl mercury (MeHg+) or dimethyl mercury (Me2Hg). These different chemical forms of an element are called “element species”. When assessing the risk for the human health, one has to consider that organically bound mercury species are much more toxic than elemental or inorganic species. The reason for the higher toxicity of organomercury species is the fact that these species can overcome the blood/brain barrier and therefore can damage the central nervous system. Also the barrier created by the placenta can be overcome, threatening the live of the unborn. The later fact is the reason that EPA has recommended especially pregnant women to restrict their consumption of contaminated fish.
Is methyl mercury limiting the delight of seafood ? - To answer this question is a challenge for elemental speciation analysis
