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Methylmercury (EHC 101, 1990)
Methylmercury is converted to inorganic mercury in
experimental animals and humans.
Toxicity, Bioavailability and Metal Speciation"; Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Vol 106C, No. 3, pp 585-595, 1993; SB Jonnalagadda, PVV Prasada Rao; Department of Chemistry; and Department of anatomy, University of Zimbabwe
"5. Aquatic organisms absorb and retain Hg in the tissues, as methylmercury, although most of the environmental Hg to which they are exposed is inorganic. The methylmercury in fish arises from the bacterial methylization of inorganic Hg. Methylmercury in the human diet is almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream. The nervous system is the principal target tissue affected by methylmercury in adult human beings, while kidney is the critical organ following the ingestion of Hg(II) salts."
Review of Mercury Facts
1. There is no evidence in the literature for the synthesis of organomercury compounds in human and mammalian tissues (WHO, 1976.)
2. The conversion of methylmercury to inorganic mercury is considered a key step in the process of excretion of mercury after exposure to methylmercury (WHO, 1990).
3. Elemental mercury vapor readily crosses the blood brain barrier.
4. Oxidation of elemental mercury into divalent mercury ions trap it within the brain.
5. 80% of inhaled metallic mercury vapor is retained by the body, liquid mercury is poorly absorbed by the GI.
6. Reduction of divalent mercury to metallic mercury has been demonstrated in animals and humans.
7. Inorganic mercury compounds are probably absorbed from the human GI tract to a level of less than 10%.
8. Kidney is the main depository of mercury after the administration of elemental mercury vapor or inorganic mercury compounds; 50-90% of body burden in animals.
9. In humans methylmercury in the diet is almost completely absorbed into the blood stream and is distributed to all tissues in about 4 days.
10. Methylmercury is converted to inorganic mercury, assumed to be Hg2+ in mammals.
11. The nervous system is the principal target tissue for the effects of methylmercury on adult human beings.
12. Renal/kidney damage is one of the most frequently described non-nueral effects of mehylmercury.
It was stated in WHO (1976) that there is no evidence
in the literature for the synthesis of organomercury com-
pounds in human or mammalian tissues. Minor methylation
may occur in vitro(!!!) by intestinal or oral bacteria (Rowland
et al., 1975; Heintze et al., 1983). A slight increase in
the concentration of methylmercury in blood and/or urine
has been reported among dentists and workers in the
chloralkali industry (Cross et al., 1978; Pan et al.,
1980; Aitio et al., 1983). These data cannot be taken as
evidence of methylation, however, due to lack of analyti-
cal quality control and possible confounding by exposure
to methylmercury. Chang et al. (1987) did not observe any
methylation in a study of dentists.
The conversion of methylmercury to inorganic mercury
is considered a key step in the process of excretion of
mercury after exposure to methylmercury (WHO, 1990).
If the intact molecule of an organomercurial in an organ is
more rapidly excreted than inorganic mercury, biotrans-
formation will decrease the overall excretion rate, and
the ratio of inorganic to organic mercury in that particu-
lar organ will increase with time. The fraction of total
mercury present as Hg++ will depend on the duration of
exposure to methylmercury and/or the time elapsed since
cessation of exposure. Even if the demethylation rate is
very slow, this process may in the long run give rise to
considerable accumulation of inorganic mercury.The ratio
of methylmercury to inorganic mercury depends on the rate
of demethylation and the clearance half-times of methyl-
mercury and inorganic mercury.