Alphaliponsäure schlecht für die Schilddrüse


Da bei mir jedesmal nach Anwendung von Alphaliponsäure tagelang meine Schilddrüse etwas verrückt spielte (meine Basaltemperaturkurve sank nach jeder Alphaliponsäureeinnahme ziemlich stark ab), habe ich etwas dazu jetzt endlich was gefunden:

Thyroid-regulating medications, Levothyroxine -- Apha-lipoic acid may lower levels of thyroid hormone. Blood hormone levels and thyroid function tests should be monitored closely in people taking thyroid hormones who are also taking alpha-lipoic acid.
von Alpha-lipoic acid, Dihydrolipoic acid, Lipoic acid, Lipolate, Thiotic acid - Article


Q. I take levothyroxine for hypothyroidism. I have read that alpha lipoic acid can affect the thyroid function in hypothyroidsm. Does that mean it will lower the effect of levothyroixine? I would like to try alpha lipoic acid to lower my blood sugar.
A. We can only find one study on the role of alpha lipoic acid and thyroid function. It appears that alpha lipoic acid interferes with the conversion of T4 to T3. We also got a recent email from someone who had a bad reaction to taking 50 mg of R alpha lipoic acid after taking Levoxyl, a thyroid hormone medication.
Effect of alpha lipoic acid on the peripheral conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine and on serum lipid-, protein- and glucose levels. Arzneimittelforschung. 1991 Dec;41(12):1294-8. Institute of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Bonn, Fed. Rep. of Germany.
The influence of alpha-lipoic acid on thyroid hormone metabolism and serum lipid-, protein- and glucose levels was investigated. In the first setup of experiments administration of alpha lipoic acid together with thyroxine (T4) for 9 days suppressed the T4 induced increase of T3 generation by 56%. This suppression was similar to that affected by 6-propylthiouracil (54%). Alpha lipoic acid or T4 alone did not affect the cholesterol level, but together they led to a reduction. alpha lipoic acid decreased the triglyceride level by 45%; the decrease induced by T4 or alpha lipoic acid plus T4 was not significant. Total protein and albumin levels decreased by alpha lipoic acid plus T4 treatment when compared to the alpha lipoic acid control. The slight increase in glucose level by alpha lipoic acid or T4 alone was not observed when they were administered together. In the second setup of experiments the administration of T4 for 22 days increased the serum T3 level 3-fold. When alpha lipoic acid was combined with T4 and the treatment continued, the T3 production decreased by 22%. T4 reduced cholesterol level by 30%, and alpha lipoic acid plus T4 further reduced it by 47%. The triglycerides were not affected. A moderate decrease in total protein was observed after treatment with T4 plus LA; T4 and alpha lipoic acid plus T4 decreased the albumin level. The decrease in serum glucose by T4 recovers by alpha lipoic acid treatment. These results demonstrate that alpha lipoic acid interferes with the production of T3 from T4 when it is co-administered with T4. The elevated level of T3, after T4 administration, is reduced by treatment with alpha lipoic acid.

Q. Please be advised that within an hour of taking his first R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 50 mg capsule, my husband's heart rate suddenly doubled. Further study revealed that the upper and lower chambers of his heart were beating independently. After much research, we read a study that mentioned in a footnote an adverse reaction to this supplement in mice who were taking Levoxyl. My husband had taken his usual 75mg of Levoxyl earlier that morning. It took several days for his heart to return to normal. You may want to include information regarding this conflict in medications in your website details.
A. We very much appreciate you letting us know about this reaction. The first time we have had anyone taking Levoxyl have a reaction to R alpha lipoic acid that they have given us feedback with, we will mention this on the website for others to see just in case others may have a problem with the combination of R alpha lipoic acid and thyroid hormones.

LG Cat

dank dir für den link, cat.

ich hab bisher zwar immer das gefühl gehabt, dass ich ala gut vertrage,
obwohl ich thyranojod zu mir nehme ...

vielleicht sollte ich dann doch mal wieder meine werte testen lassen...

lg. karin

dank dir für den link, cat.

ich hab bisher zwar immer das gefühl gehabt, dass ich ala gut vertrage,
obwohl ich thyranojod zu mir nehme ...

vielleicht sollte ich dann doch mal wieder meine werte testen lassen...

lg. karin

Hallo Karin!

Kann ja sein, daß Du es ohne Probleme verträgst, es ist halt jeder anders. Meistens merkt man es eh (bei mir ist es jedenfalls so) ob sich die Werte geändert haben.
LG Cat
Hallo Cat,

ich nehme 75 mg Thyroxin und hatte auch keine Probleme mit Alphaliponsäure bzw. meine Werte waren während der Einnahme nicht verändert.

Liebe Grüsse,
Hallo Cat,

ich nehme 75 mg Thyroxin und hatte auch keine Probleme mit Alphaliponsäure bzw. meine Werte waren während der Einnahme nicht verändert.

Liebe Grüsse,

Hallo Uma!

Freut mich! vielleicht vertrage ich sie auch irgendwann. Meine Unterfunktion ist leider quecksilberbedingt. Dh erst durch das ausbohren ging mein TSH so extrem nach oben. (irgendwo um 20!)
Ich habe weder Hashi noch Jodmangel, noch irgendwelche Verwachsungen, keine Knoten usw.
LG Cat
Kann es sein, das das mal wieder ein Hinweis ist, das isolierte Stoffe immer irgendwas "durcheinanderbringen"...?