Schilddrüsenautoimmunerkrankungen / Helicobacter pylori

  • Themenstarter Miss Marple
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Miss Marple


im Mai '09 fand ein MELISA-Treffen in Spanien statt, Titel: Metals and more: crossroads between allergy, inflammation and disease

U.A. erwähnenswert: bei Schilddrüsenautoimmunerkrankungen kann der Helicobacter pylori
-neben Schwermetallbelastungen etc.- eine wichtige Rolle spielen.

Monika Hybenová : The role of environmental factors in autoimmune thyroiditis

Background: Autoimmune thyroiditis (AT) is organ-specific autoimmune disease which represents the most frequent autoimmune endocrinopathy. Etiology of AT is multifactorial. In addition to genetic predisposition, external factors such as heavy metals and infectious agents play an important role. We studied immune reactivity to mercury and other heavy metals (present in dental amalgam) in patients with AT. Further, the effect of amalgam removal on the laboratory findings and the health of patients have been evaluated. An infectious agent, Helicobacter pylori (Hp), a gram-negative bacterium causes persistent infection with development serious gastro-duodenal diseases, and may also contribute to autoimmune thyroiditis. We have measured specific cellular immune response to Hp
antigens in patients with AT and verified Hp infection. The laboratory testing was performed prior to and after eradication therapy.


Conclusion: Environmental factors such as heavy metals and Helicobacter pylori infection can play important role in autoimmune thyroiditis. The LTT-MELISA® test can be used to find out which substances (metals, bacteria) might be important in the development of AT in an individual patient. If metal allergy is found the patient should avoid all exposure to the offending substance. In the case of mercury allergy, the patient should be referred to an experienced dentist. The preliminary reports indicate that Helicobacter pylori can cause immunosuppression which can be abrogated by successful therapy. Projects were supported by Grant Agency of Ministry of Health of Czech Rep. NJ/6775-3, NK/7722-3, NR/9414-3. -Seite 8-

Miss Marple
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